Monday, April 17, 2006

im back to blogging. and i realised that almost every post that i posted.. the starting is around the same.. LOL!!! cant be more creative. LOLS!

alright.. 10 to 13th.. was missing.. haha! attended first aid course.. woot.. learn damn alot of stuffs.. and im teaching first aid to my colleagues madly until they are irritated with me.. haha! well.. a person without oxygen for 4 minutes will die. and someone who knows and perform CPR might be able to save a person life.

But ask yourself, although u are a first aider.. one day while shopping in a shopping centre.. an old man who is a stranger to you suddenly collaspe and is in danger.. would you perform CPR to him? Many would say no. Because he is not your love one, not ur relatives, not someone connected to you. He is just a person you are walking past everyday in the streets. But to his family, he might be the sole breadwinner, he might have a disabled wife to take care of.. and so on..

ok.. think im getting too emotional.. haha! but.. think about it~. oh yea.. alot of funny things happened during the course.. and of cos there is this joker in the class whom me and polly named HO. haha!! he is a uncle volunteer, and starting of the course, me and polly think that wow.. he like very experience leh.. watever the instructor say.. he also chap in.. LOL! but in the end.. boo boo.. hahaa! he doesnt know a thing. -.-''' smart can liao, dun act smart. LOL! but he really BRIGHTEN up our lives yea? LOL! im bad.

tuesday.. went queensway after course before work.. was waiting for the traffic light man to turn green.. and suddenly the person standing beside me step on my nike shoe!! i was like what the hell.. and guess wad.. YVONNE! i was like ??? damn FATIN. wa lao eh!! she damn dots. hahaa! love her man.. just nice she going queensway also.. ahaa! so we went la.. i went to look for a new pair of nike shoe.. and tadang!! love at first sight.. but no size! so went to many shop and look for my small foot size.. haha! so finally got it!! thats the problem with some small leg. haha! then i went work and fatin went work too..

thursday.. went to town to help get poster for shop at centrepoint.. then went to heeren to see see look look.. and of cos.. always get tempted.. so tadang! bought a pair of trekking flip flop and numflipflop.. wahaha! -.-'' ok.. then went back to shop.. had my favourite pasta.. woot..

alright.. then worked.. promotions are a headache.. argh.. there are so many things to tell the customer.. haiyo.. tok until the mouth dots.. haha! ya.. then wasnt feeling quite right with my throat ystd when i woke up.. too dots.. haha! and today also.. so when im brushing my teeth and rinsing.. something is like stuck inside the throat.. so guess wad.. i coughed and 1 thick and clogged red muecus(dunno how to spell).. oh gosh.. my throat is like bleeding or something? and i coughed another time.. another 1 thick and clogged red muecus flew out.. haiz.. i need a doctor!!!


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